Hi and welcome to a safe haven! I write cozy mysteries about endings and glorious new beginnings.

This website offers a bit of the fuel that boosts the spirits of my Greek amateur sleuths and their friends, one which coincidently sustains me through good or bad times. I hope it helps you too.

Visit my Greek Recipes page and enjoy a sweet or savory taste of the glendi (celebratory) life. Need a new perspective or a pick-me-up? My book might do the trick. And thanks very much for dropping by!

About Eona Calli

Books got me through every stretch of the journey, and now I’m gratefully paying the favour forward. I write mysteries to offer you an entertaining escape hatch that may make you smile, think, tear up (just a little), and lift your heart. And if you need it, my deepest hope is they help you see a new road ahead, as stories of other worlds and possibilities have done for me. Read More